To feature of bird communities of Moscow region at the beginning of 1960s. - Yu.S. Ravkin. - Avifauna of Ukraine. 1. 1998. - P. 40-50.
Accounts were carried out on transects with overall length of 884 km. In populated areas 27 species were registered. There House Sparrow predominates, in autumn - Tree Sparrow, in spring and winter - Jack-daw. On waste grounds and dumps 39 species were registered. Such species as Hooded Crow, Jackdaw and Sparrows prevailed and in autumn Yellow Hammer as well. In broad-leaved forests Hooded Crow and Great Tit were the constant predominants and in mixed forests Willow Tit and Goldcrest were such predominants. The over all amount of species from October to March formed 36 species and from April till the beginning of May this number increased to 53 species. The density of bird population was the highest in populated areas (1084 ind./km2) and decreased in the following direction: populated areas - waste grounds and dumps - mixed forests - broad-leaved forests (in autumn and winter). In spring in mixed forests the density was lesser than in broad-leaved fo-rests. The density of bird population in all habitats took the maximum point in autumn period and was at the minimal rate in winter. The amplitude of season fluctuations of bird quantity was at the highest level in mixed forests and on waste grounds and it was at the lowest level in broad-leaved forests and populated areas. The year's fluctuations of overall amount are also typical for all species. At the distance from Moscow the quantity of birds-synantrops is decreased and, in contrast, the quantity of forest species is increased. [Russian].
Key words: Moscow region, bird community, count, population density.