Management techniques for preservation of rare bird species. - V.N. Gri­shchenko. - Practical questions of bird preservation. Chernivtsi, 1995. P. 3-10. - Using of management techniques (in Russian = biotechnical actions) for preservation of rare birds in former USSR and CIS is discussed. They are used not yet enough, methods are poorly elaborated. The definition and classification are proposed. The terms in Russian are compared with ones in English and German. The main stages and the effectiveness of works are discussed. [Russian].



Using of the management techniques in the preservation of rare bird species. A review of the world literature. - V.N. Grishchenko. - Practical questions of bird preservation. Chernivtsi, 1995. P. 10-52. - Using of different management techniques (nest boxes and artificial nesting sites, nest protection, feeding, etc.) is discussed on the base of analysis of 426 literary sources. [Russian].



Management techniques and special measures for the preservation of birds in carpathian forests. - A.I. Guzy. - Practical questions of bird preservation. Chernivtsi, 1995. P. 52-58. - The preservation of nests and habitats of rare birds is not foreseen by felling rules in Ukrainian Carpathians. Management techniques and other practical measures for bird preservation in mountainous forests are discussed. Some forestry actions can improve the environment for the birds (planting of fruit-trees and bushes, arrangement of edges and food stripes, etc.). Only one Nature Reserve and two National Parks exist in Ukrainian Carpathians now. It is necessary to create new ones. The oldest categories of forests have to exclude from the exploitation. The most important management techniques are discussed. [Ukrainian].



Bird conservation of the Ukrainian Carpathians in conditions of the intensive forest exploitation and recreative using of forest ecosystems. - A.I. Guzy. - Practical questions of bird preservation. Chernivtsi, 1995. P. 59-66. - Felling methods in mountainous forests of the Carpathians and their importance for birds are discussed. Using of the continuous felling leads to the impoverishment of the species composition and the population density of birds. They cause catastrophical changes of habitats. The gradual and selective fellings are most perspective in nature conservation aspect. The conduction of sanitary and care fellings is considered. The recreation have very big negative im­portance for forest ecosystems. It is proposed to regulate it. [Ukrainian].



About the effectiveness of actions for the preservation of Birds of Prey. - V.V. Ivanovsky. - Practical questions of bird preservation. Chernivtsi, 1995. P. 66-70. - In Vitebsk region of Belorussia the faunistic competition is being conducted since 1976. It was called "Falcon" (later - "Red Book"). Its purpose is the discovery of rare birds' nests. Results are given in the Table 1. Reasons of the success of this competition are analysed. In Vitebsk region the artificial nesting platforms for rare Birds of Prey are built since 1983. The breeding success was larger on these artificial nesting sites (Table 2). Only the Golden Eagle had lesser breeding success. It is connected with the human disturbance. A clutch and a brood were abandoned. [Russian].



About the strategy and tactics of the propaganda of bird conservation. - V.N. Grishchenko. - Practical questions of bird preservation. Chernivtsi, 1995. P. 71-77. - Purpose and tasks of the propaganda of bird conservation in Ukraine are discussed. The new strategy of this activity is necessary today: drawing of people in the concrete practical work on the protection of birds. The tactics has to be based on this strategy. Regularities of spreading and perception of the information are discussed. It is proposed to take into consideration the social and geographical aspects by organizing of the propagandistic actions. [Russian].



Some recommendations on the preparation of materials for press. - A.A. Belyakov. - Practical questions of bird preservation. Chernivtsi, 1995. P. 77-82. - Using of publicity principles in the propaganda of bird conservation are discussed. The conservation of nature became not such popular topic in press as before. This situation requires more careful preparing of publications. The possible motivation in the text for different categories of people and peculiarities of the perception psychology are considered. [Russian].



The use of the religion in the bird conservation and popularization. - V.E. Boreyko. - Practical questions of bird preservation. Chernivtsi, 1995. P. 82-88. - Now the nature conservation strategy needs the support of the religion which has a very great influence on the considerable part of the population. Opportunities in cooperation between ornithologists, nature conservation organizations and religious workers are discussed. The following directions in mutual work can be estimated as prospective: the propaganda of superstitions which protected birds, the popularization of the status of saint birds, ecological thoughts in the religious propaganda, financing of the birds protection projects by the church, the involvement of religious organizations in the bird protection. [Russian].



History of the bird conservation in Kiev Rus’, Russian Empire and Soviet Union. Xth centuary - 1964. - V.E. Boreyko. - Practical questions of bird preservation. Chernivtsi, 1995. P. 89-133. - The development of the legislation, public organizations, propaganda, scientific researches and other bird conservation activities are described. This is the first full summary about history of the bird conservation in former USSR. [Russian].



Georgy Alexandrovich Bryzgalin and the bird conservation in Ukraine. -M.V. Banik. - Practical questions of bird preservation. Chernivtsi, 1995. P. 133-136. - G.A. Bryzgalin was an active public man in the conservation of nature in 1910-1920th. It is very little known about his life. He lived and worked in Kharkov. During the civil war he had emigrated. The bibliography of main his publications is presented. [Russian].



Contribution of J.K. Paczoski in the ornithology and the bird conservation. -V.N. Grishchenko. - Practical questions of bird preservation. Chernivtsi, 1995. P. 136-140. - J.K. Paczoski is an outstanding botanist, but he has done very much and for the conservation of birds in Russian Empire and USSR. This aspect of his activity is elucidated. The bibliography of main ornithological publications is presented. [Ukrainian].



“Komansky lug” on the Middle Desna and its unique flood-lands or­nitho­complex. - N.P. Knysh, V.T. Afanasyev. - Prac­tical questions of bird preservation. Chernivtsi, 1995. P. 141-146. - This plot of the Desna flood-lands is in 7 km to the South from the town Novgorod-Seversky on the border of Chernigov and Sumy regions. Its nature complex is described. The fauna of the breeding birds includes more than 60 species. There is very big colony of the Black-headed Gull (to 2000 pairs) here. The Little and the Common Gulls, the Whiskered Tern, the Black-winged Stilt nest too. In 1985 it was found a nest of the Slavonian Grebe. 10-12 pairs of the Yellow-breasted Bunting nest here yearly. This is the south-west border of its breeding range. It is proposed to include this site to Important Bird Areas. [Russian].



Perspective ornithological reservations in the south of Kharkiv region. - T.A. Atemassova. - Practical questions of bird preservation. Chernivtsi, 1995. P. 146-150. - It is proposed to create two ornithological reservations. [Russian].



Rare birds of Rostov region and ways of their conservation. - V.P. Belik. - Practical questions of bird preservation. Chernivtsi, 1995. P. 150-159. - There are 39 bird species from the Red Book of Russia and 21 regional rare ones in Rostov region. Their status, present state and numbers are described. The abundance of rare bird species in different areas of Rostov region is analysed and recommendations on their conservation are given. [Russian].



Ornithofauna of the swamp Vydra and its environs. - V.N. Grishchenko, M.N. Gavrilyuk. - Practical questions of bird preservation. Chernivtsi, 1995. P. 159-165. - The swamp is situated on the border of Kiev and Chernigiv regions between the rivers Dnieper and Desna. The ornithological reservation was created here. The nature complex and ornithofauna of the swamp and neighbouring forests is described. It is proposed to relate this swamps to Important Bird Areas. [Ukrainian].



Birds of Prey of some reservations in Nicolayev region. - V.A. Kostyushin, V.I. Miroshnichenko. - Practical questions of bird preservation. Chernivtsi, 1995. P. 165-168. - 9 reservations were investigated in 1988-1993. Their brief descriptions are adduced. 65 nests were found. 24 from them were empty, 7 were occupied by the Ravens and 34 - by Birds of Prey (58,6%). The most numerous species were the Buzzard (35,3% from the total numbers), the Goshawk (29,4%), the Booted Eagle (20,6%). The numbers of Birds of Prey depended on the presence of  the suitable for nesting forests and human disturbance. [Russian].

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