of the 2nd Conference of Young Ornithologists of Ukraine.
1996. 228 p.
Balatsky N.N. The Cuckoo and the Oriental Cuckoo in
the northern taiga near Noyabrsk (Tyumen region)
Bashta T.V. Succession of ornithological communities
of beech forests in Beskids (Ukrainian Carpathians)
Belik V.P. Mass death of Rooks on pylons of electric
lines in 10 kV in the semi-desert
Boreyko V.E. The lack of popular reference literature
as the brake of the development of the amateur-ornithologists movement
Bundzyak P.V., Godovanets B.I., Kuzmin N.V., Syusyaylo
N.I. To the breeding biology of the Long-eared Owl in the Pokuttya
Buchko V.V., Khlibkevich V.V. Materials to the
distribution of Falconiformes of the
Upper Dniester bassin (within Ivano-Frankivsk region)
Buchuchanu L., Tsibulak T. The synanthropization level
of birds in the cultural landscape of Moldova
Vergeles Yu.I., Banik M.V. Ornithological monitoring
program of wetland and flood-land habitats of Kharkiv region
Gavrilyuk M.N., Grishchenko V.N. To the ecology of the
Yellow-legged Gull in Kanev district
Glavan T. Biotopic distribution of woodpeckers in
forests of the central part of Moldova
Godovanets B.I. To the ecology of the Grey Wagtail in
the Carpathians
Godovanets B.I., Skilsky I.V. To the breeding biology
of the Wren in the Carpathians
Gritsak V.M. Collection of Birds of Prey and Owls of
the Transcarpathians by A.A. Hrabar
Grishchenko V.N. Migration of birds as a cause of
their sacralization
Grishchenko V.N. Arrival terms of the Starling in the
Kanev Nature Reserve and their connection with the temperature
Grishchenko V.N. Influence of the fire on the bird
population of the meadow steppe plot
Guzy A.I. Comparative description of the bird
population of oak and hornbeam forests in the West of Ukraine
Guzy A.I. Influence of the succession of plant
communities on the structure of bird groups of the plot Zalivki of the Nature
Reserve "Roztochchya"
Guzy A.I. Afforestations in agrarian landscapes of the
West Forest-Steppe of Ukraine and their zoo-ecological role (on example of
Guzy A.I. Birds and their place in the Red Book of
Zavyalov E.V., Lobanov A.V. Distribution of the Middle
Spotted Woodpecker on the territory of Saratov and Volgograd regions
Zavyalov E.V., Shlyakhtin G.V., Khrustov A.V. Use of
state indexes of populations of rare bird species as the test-function when
environment monitoring
Ivanovsky V.V. The Honey Buzzard in the Northern Byelorussia:
status, breeding ecology
Kapranova T.A., Zavyalov E.V. Dynamics of the
alimental spectrum of the Kestrel in conditions of Saratov region
Knysh N.P. About the distribution and breeding biology
of the Redwing in the forest-steppe part of Sumy region
Knysh N.P., Kuksa Yu.V. To the description of the
Crane migration in the forest-steppe part of Sumy region
Knyazyev O.B. About the distribution of some waterfowl
species on artificial reservoirs of the West Prikarpattya
Kovalev V.A. Some parameters of the Great Spotted
Woodpecker's hollows on the South-East Ladoga
Koval N.F., Mistryukova L.M. Breeding success of the
Wood Warbler in public gardens and parks of the town Uman and the suburban zone
Kogut I.V., Bokotey A.A., Sokolov N.Yu. Peculiarities
of the biotopic distribution of birds of the Upper Dniester
Kotsyuruba V.V., Krotovskaya T.S. Some peculiarities
of the breeding biology of the Song Trush and the Blackbird in forestries of
the Steppe zone of Ukraine
Lebed E.A. Seasonal and daily rhythms of the Snipe behaviour
Lebed E.A., Bilchenko M.N., Kasyanenko G.Ya. Heavy
metal accumulation in the egg-shell of waders
Loparev S.A. To the question about the evolution of
flight types in birds
Lugovoy A.E., Potish L.A. Migrations of Rallidae in the region of East
Lukashuk M.V. Peculiarities of the bird fauna of the settlement
of Bazhanovo (Krivoy Rog district)
Lyubushchenko S.Yu., Tabachishin V.G. Gulls and terns
in Vinnitsa region
Lyubushchenko S.Yu., Tabachishin V.G. To the biology
of the Citrine Wagtail in the podolish part of the South Bug basin
Martynyuk I., Shidlovsky I. Intrapopulational
distribution of the Sedge Warbler according to results of the cluster analysis
of the wing length of migrating birds
Matveyev N.D. Conditions of nesting of tits in oak
forests of the Podillya
Matveyev N.D. Number dynamics of tits in different
forest types in the Podillya
Matveyev N.D. Peculiarities of the Great Tit breeding
in the Podillya
Mistryukova L.M. Dynamics of the species composition
and numbers of birds of the dendrological park "Sofiyivka" for the
last 20 years
Mistryukova L.M. Comparative description of the ornithofauna
of public gardens of the towns Uman and Tulchin
Novak V.O. Wintering of Fringillidae in the Podillya
Novak V.O. To the biology of the Lesser Spotted Eagle
in Khmelnitsky region
Novak L.M., Mazurkova I.A. Folk names of birds in the Volynia
and the Podillya
Piskunov V.V. About some rare waders of Saratov region
Pokinska D.S. To the phenology of the bird arrival in environs
of the town Busk of Lviv region
Ponomarenko A.L. To the description of forming of consortive
connections of birds with the oak as the edificator of the oak steppe forests
in the Dnieper region
Popelnyukh V.V. Bicyclic breeding of warblers of the
genus Acrocephalus on the South-East
Popelnyukh V.V. Breeding phenology, sizes and the fate
of clutches of the Sedge Warbler on the South-East Ladoga
Popelnyukh V.V. Restoration of the lost nests, fate of
late clutches and broods in the Sedge Warbler
Popelnyukh V.V. About the stational distribution of
the Sedge Warbler nests on the South-East Ladoga
Prushinsky M.S., Shidlovsky I.V. To the migration of
the Buzzard in the West of Ukraine ...
Rogovoy Yu.F. To the ecology of the Swallow in Globino
district of Poltava region
Sidenko M.V. Ornithofauna of the park zone of the north-western
part of Rostov-na-Donu
Skilsky I.V. Peculiarities of the winter bird
population of streets and parks of Chernivtsi
Sokolov N.Yu., Kogut I.V., Bokotey A.A. Results of
bird ringing on the Upper Dniester in 1992-1995
Srebrodolskaya E.B. Biology of the Lapwing in Lviv
Tabachishin V.G., Zavyalov E.V., Lobanov A.V., Fedorov
A.V. Description of the breeding aspect of the bird population of Saratov
Tabachishin V.G., Zavyalov E.V., Lobanov A.V.
Quantitative description and biotopic distribution of birds of Saratov in
Tkachenko V.G., Tkachenko L.V. The White Stork in Kobelaky
district of Poltava region ...
Turchin V.G., Boriskina N.V. Feeding of the Long-eared
Owl in Kamennaya Step
Fridman V.S. To the new theory of the form evolution
of communicative signals in birds
Fridman V.S. Regularities of the form transformation
of signals by the speciation in birds
Tsibulak T. Biotopic distribution of birds in gardens
in the breeding period
Tsibulak T. Biotopic distribution of woodpeckers in gardens
Chaplygina A.V., Fursova N.L. To the question of the breeding
range expansion of the Fieldfare in Kharkov region
Chorhenka O.B. Intracpecific and interspecific
relations in wader flocks
Shidlovsky I.V., Prushinsky M.S. Materials to the
study of the visible spring migration of the Lapwing in the Volynia
Yablonovskaya E.D., Bozhenko V.Yu. Bird pictures in
noble arms of the Chernigiv land
Yakushev N.N., Kapranova T.A., Alberti L.G. Feeding of
the Long-eared Owl within the city of Saratov
Bird name index