Materials of the third Conference of Young Ornithologists of Ukraine.

Chernivtsi, 1998. 184 p.




Afanasyev V.T. The Syrian Woodpecker in the Sumy Polissya

Balatsky N.N., Bachurin G.N. Cuckoos of the West-Siberian plain

Barenblat I.O., Soyma I.I., Bodnar V.V. To the distribution of Tetraonidae in Ukrainian Carpathians

Bashta A.-T.V. Influence of thinning on the breeding ornithofauna of the dark coniferous - beech forest

Belik V.P. About breeding of the Crossbill in the Sumy Polissya

Boreyko V.E. Rights of birds as a part of the wildlife

Voronkov D.V., Zavyalov E.V., Tabachishin V.G. Peculiarities of ecology of the Common Tern in conditions of the south of Saratov region

Gavrilyuk M.N. To the ornithofauna of the Lypivsky Ornithological Reserve (Cherkasy region)

Gavrilyuk M.N. About the conflict interspecific relations of White-tailed Eagles

Gavrilyuk M.N., Grishchenko V.N., Yablonovska-Grishchenko E.D. About some uncommon cases of bird nesting

Grishchenko V.N. To the ecology of the White Stork in zone of number increasing

Grishchenko V.N. Breeding success of the White Stork in Ukraine in 1997  

Davidenko I.V., Zemlyanskikh I.I., Poluda A.M. Rare bird species of the Goryn and the Stviga interfluve

Dzizyuk A.I., Voytovich A.V. Comparison of breeding distribution of the Rook and the Magpie in cities Zaporizhzhya and Khmelnitsky

Dzyubenko N.V. Number dynamics of terns in the precarpathian part of the Dniester river   

Zavyalov E.V., Lobachev Yu.Yu., Tabachishin V.G. Comparative population character of the Great Spotted Woodpecker from the northern part of the Lower Wolga region

Zavyalov E.V., Tabachishin V.G. The Sand Martin in the north of the Lower Wolga region

Ivanovsky V.V. Monitoring of raptors of Vitebsk region in 1994–1997         

Knysh N.P. Plant fruits in reserves of the Red-backed Shrike

Kovalev V.A. Monitoring of diversity of the ornithofauna in Nizhnesvirsky Nature Reserve as the reflection of changes, occurring in surrounding ecosystems

Kovalev V.A. To the death of birds on auto roads

Kovalev V.A., Kletečka S. Nesting boxes for birds as settling place of xylophages  

Kogut I.V. Value of surrounding vegetation for nesting of the Great Crested Grebe on waterbodies in West Ukraine

Korzh O.P. Influence of the light form of the hunting Pheasant on the dark one under their joint cultivation

Kosenchuk N.P. Biometric parameters of Anseriformes and Ralliformes of the North Azov region

Koshelev A.I., Kosenchuk O.L., Peresadko L.V., Chernichko I.I. Breeding, numbers and nesting biology of grebes in the south of Ukraine

Koshelev A.I., Siokhin V.D., Pokusa R.V., Belashkov I.D. Dynamics of local settlements of the Kormorant in the North Azov area (Zaporizhzhya region)

Kuzmenko L.P., Kuzmenko Yu.V. Postembryonic development of the Fieldfare in Nizhyn town

Kushka T.Ya., Peskov V.N. About the growth rate of nestlings in some bird species

Lobachev Yu.Yu., Kapranova T.A. Peculiarities of feeding of the Great Spotted Woodpecker in autumn-winter period in conditions of the north of the Lower Wolga region

Lugovoy A.E. About spring migration phenomena in the Collared Dove in Uzhgorod city

Mazyutinets Ya.V. Occurence dynamics of Corvidae in Transcarpathians on auto road Uzhgorod — Serednye in 1997 (postbreeding, autumn and early winter periods)

Mishchenko M.O. To the question on feeding of the Hooded Crow during the autumn-winter period on territories with the different degree of urbanization

Novak V.O. New data on the ornithofauna of Khmelnitsky region

Novak V.O. Shrikes of Khmelnitsky region

Novak V.O., Gulko A.A., Prikazyuk O.V. About wintering of Ciconiiformes in Podillya

Onufriyev R.A., Chegorka P.T. About breeding of terns in the Dniprovsko-Orelsky Nature Reserve

Pisarev S.N., Nadvorny E.S., Dorokhov A.V., Nazarenko Yu.N., Vysochin M.O. Materials on new and rare bird species of the Donetsk part of the Siversky Donets river valley

Ponomarenko A.L. About the role of vertical structure of oak forests biogeocenoses in spatial distribution of birds

Rogoviy Yu.F. Reed warblers of the Kagamlyk river (Poltava region)

Rogoviy Yu.F. Death of birds on auto roads in Globino district of Poltava region

Senyk M. Birds of park «Gorikhoviy hay» in Lviv city

Skilsky I.V. Number dynamics of the House and Tree Sparrows in Chernivtsi city

Skilsky I.V., Godovanets B.I. Biogeocenotic variation of main oomorphological parameters of the Chaffinch in the Precarpathians

Sultanov E.G., Agayeva N.Ch. Some results of the study of ornithological situation in the area of Sangachal oil terminal

Sultanov E.G., Karabanova N.I., Gumbatova S.E., Karabeyli F.A. Materials on birds of prey of the Caspian coast of Azerbaijan

Tabachishin V.G., Zavyalov E.V., Shlyakhtin G.V. Intraannual character of bird communities of parks in Saratov city

Talposh V.S. Materials to ecology of the Red-backed Shrike in Ternopil region

Furmanova V.P. Morpho-ecological character of herons of the North Azov area

Chornenka O.B. Breeding of herons in the mixed colony near the village of Otynevichi in Lviv region

Shevtsov A.O. Character and peculiarities of spring migration of the Lapwing in Kirovograd region

Yablonovska-Grishchenko E.D., Grishchenko V.N. Bird pictures in west-european painting of XIV–XIX cent.

Yakushev N.N., Zavyalov E.V. Theoretical motivation and perspectives of investigation of ecology and systematics of some species of the family Sylviidae in north of the Lower Volga region

Bird name index

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