Dynamics of the numbers and breeding range of the Black Stork in Europe. - V.N. Grishchenko. - Berkut. 3 (2). 1994. P. 91-95.
Literature data about changes of the Black Stork numbers and distribution are analyzed. Number decreasing had started in Europe in the XIXth century. It led to the disappearance of the species in many countries. The number increasing and range expansion began in the XXth century again. Their causes are discussed. There were 3 main positive factors: adaptation of birds to the changed environment, improving of the food resources by the amelioration, bird conservation. The drainage of swamps in the Forest Zone of East Europe led to the extension of area of feeding habitats and to increasing of the breeding success. It had not such catastrophical results for the species here. The density of human population was low, forests and swamps occupied the large area, because changing of biotopes and human disturbance were less. The adaptation to the new environment conditions has arisen only here. The number increasing and range expansion have happened owing to the action of the complex of favourable factors, that had developed within the territory of the Forest Zone of East Europe to the first decades of the XXth century. [Russian].
Key words: Black Stork, Ciconia nigra, Europe, number dynamics, breeding range, adaptation.

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