To the question about the particularly protected birds. - A.E. Lugovoy. - Berkut. 3 (2). 1994. P. 143-144.
It is proposed by the status determination of procected birds to take in consideration the numbers not only at present but also in the past. The Red-footed Falcon is a good example. It is not included in the Red Book of Ukraine, because it has higher number than many other birds of prey. This falcon is enthomofagous and it has to be more numerous than myophags and ornithophags. It was very much numerous in the past, but it is only a common or regular occurring species now. The suggestion to include the Crested Lark in the list of protected birds is argued. [Russian].
Key words: Red-footed Falcon, Crested Lark, bird protection, Red Book, vulnerable species.