Number, distribution and some traits of the ecology of Galliformes in the Black Sea Nature Reserve. - N.G. Pirogov. - Berkut. 4 (1-2). 1995. P. 34-37.
3 species were found. The most numerous one is the Pheasant. It was introduced in the Dnieper valley. Its reproduction parameters are relatively high that evidences about successfull acclimatization. The average clutch size makes 7,6 eggs, the average brood size fluctuates from 7,5 to 10,5 chicks. The numbers of the Pratridge and the Quail are comparatively low. The Quail is occured mainly during the migrations. Its breeding in the Nature Resrve at present was not proved. Phenology of breeding and migrations of these species is described. In the Pheasant population males dominate. [Russian].
Key words: Partridge, Quail, Pheasant, South Ukraine, ecology, number, station, breeding.

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