Some observations on the nomadic group of Black Storks in June. - V.N. Grishchenko. - Berkut. 4 (1-2). 1995. P. 94.
5 birds were observed on the Dnieper meadows in Kiev region on 18-21.06.1994 (1 adult and 4 immature individuals). In 25 % cases single birds were observed, in 41,7 % - in groups of 2, 8,3 % - 3, 16,7 % - 4, 8,3 % - 5 (n = 12). Black storks foraged on little lakes and puddles that remained after the spring flood. The concentration of water animals increased with decreasing of their square and many birds found the food here. Black storks foraged as a rule together with white storks, herons, terns, starlings. They caught the prey only in the water. 63,6 % causes of foraging were recorded at a depth up to 10 cm, 33,3 % - from 10 to 20 cm and only 3,0 % - deeper than 20 cm (n = 33). The flight distance fluctuated from 70 to 120 m. On an average it made 93,0 +- 8,3 m (n = 5). This distance was no more than in the grey heron: from 60 to 150, on an average 91,3 +- 6,4 m (n = 12). [Russian].
Key words: Black Stork, Kiev region, nomadic group, behaviour, foraging, flight distance.

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