Structure of the ecological and faunistic complexes of the bird population of the Saratov city. - V.G. Tabachishin, E.V. Zavyalov, G.V. Shlyuakhtin, A.V. Lobanov, T.A. Kapranova. - Berkut. 5 (1). 1996. P. 3-20.
Research was carried out in 1993-1995. The ecological and faunistic structure of the bird population has been determined. Total 182 bird species were registered (Table). For 96 from them (52,6 %) breeding is proved, 40 species (22,0 %) are migrating, 32 (17,7 %) - summering, 11 (6,1 %) - wintering, 3 (1,6 %) - vagrant. 72 species belong to the European type of the fauna, 53 species are Transpalearctic. The participation of the Siberian (15), Arctic (15), Mongolian (9), Mediterranean (7), Chinese (2), Holarctic (2), Tibetan (1) species and ones with the incomprehensible origin (6) is small. For all habitats the common season aspects of the bird population community were selected (Fig. 2). In the urban habitats the synanthropic species (the House and Tree Sparrows, the Rock Dove) dominate by the population density during almost the all year. The Great Tit, the Rook, the Hooded Crow, the Jackdaw, the Magpie dominate in winter. By the biomass the Rock Dove, the Rook, the Hooded Crow predominate in ornithocomplexes of the city. The Mallard prevails on waterbodies. [Russian].
Key words: Saratov, fauna, population, abundance, biomass, species divercity.

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