Lapwing in the Dnieper forest-steppe. - E.A. Lebed. - Berkut. 5 (1). 1996. P. 31-38.
Data were collected in 1979-1983 and 1987-1994. Total 130 nests were found, 293 eggs were measured. The spring migration takes place in March and April (Fig. 1, 2). The average date of the arrival is 19.03 (21 years of observations). The main directions of the spring migration are E and NE. The breeding period lasts from the 2nd ten-day of March to the middle of June (about 90 days). Nest building begins in the second half of March. 47,4 % of nests were found in damp and wet meadows, 18,7 % - on inundated islands, 15,0 % - on grass bogs, 6,8 % - in agricultural areas, 3,8 % - on fish ponds, 3,0 % - on peat bogs. A main demand of the Lapwing to the breeding habitat is the absence of the high continuous herbage. The optimal height of the grass in the majority of habitats is 5-10 cm. 6 types of nest placing are chosen. Building material of nests is described. During the breeding period the male makes several ritual nests. They have big importance in the sexual behaviour of partners. The population density of the Lapwing fluctuates in different types of habitats from 0,01 to 11,3 pairs/km2. Laying of eggs begins in the first half of April. Average dimensions of eggs are 46,1+-0,11 x 33,1+-0,05 mm. Eggs from early clutches are some longer. The average incubation period is 22,8 days (n = 5). First days of their life chicks hide in thickets of hygrophilous vegetation. The breeding success is described in the Table 4. Since 2nd ten-day of June lapwings unite in flocks to 40-60 birds. The main migration goes in September and October. In the majority of places the Lapwing dominates among waders. [Russian].
Key words: the Dnieper, forest-steppe, Lapwing, migration, breeding, habitat, nest, egg, breeding success, number.