Whether is in nature selection by the ritualization: a new theoretical approach to the evolution of signals in birds. II. The verifying non-direct corollarities and general discussion (for example Piciform birds). - W.S. Friedmann. - Berkut. 5 (1). 1996. P. 61-70.
Results of experimental approach to the field verifying these corollaries are discussed. 1) The signals form isn't corollary the motivation or its conflict, underlying the signals and elicited by stochastic rule. 2) The signals form isn't corollary from the key adaptation the species. 3) The ritualized demonstrations are releasers or emotive signals. 5) The pre-demonstrations form didn't consist the information about the future motivation, which underlay the future releasers. 6) The phylogenesis of releaser and emotive signals are a neutral stochastic evolution by M. Kimura. 7) The development of social function of releaser signal, which have adaptiveness, is real only on the way of progressive specialization the signals repertoire from one motivation. We can show this in including the releasers number of the homological motivations and in including the number of departments on the motivation scale. 8) True motivation releasers and ambivalence signals are adaptive similarly: the first part of releaser signals formed the social system during its arising, the second part of releaser signals supported the stability of social system in stable social conditions. Both part of signals arising during similar evolutional processes. This results showed, that the ritualization theory is falsified and we must to establish a new theory of evolution of signalling. Some approaches to the establishing this alternative theory are discussed. [Russian].
Key words: woodpecker, behaviour, ritualization, signal, demonstration, evolution.