Spring migration of Great Spotted Woodpeckers at south-eastern Ladoga shore.
- V.A. Kovalev.- Berkut. 5 (2). 1996. P. 147-151.
At south-eastern Ladoga shore unregular spring migrations of Great Spotted Woodpeckers
are marked. Adult and young birds of both sexes take part in them. The Woodpeckers
migrate from the end of March till the beginning of June. In postinvasion years
the distance and mass character of spring migration increases. The sense of
spring migration of Great Spotted Woodpeckers at south-eastern Ladoga shore
is in searching of sex partners and vacant area for breeding, changing of area
after unsuccessful breeding. Due to the spring migration the number of breeding
Great Spotted Woodpeckers is restored more quickly in postinvasional years.
Key words: Great Spotted Woodpeckers, Dendrocopos major, Leningrad
region, spring migration.