Breeding expansion of the Greenshank in Belarus. - V.V. Ivanovsky. - Berkut.
6 (1-2). 1997. P. 29-32.
The Greenshank was considered formerly only a probably sporadic breeding species
in Belarus. In 1975 and 1976 first proofs of breeding in the north of country
have received. 6.05.1987 the nest with fresh 4 eggs was found. At present the
Greenshank is a characteristic regularly breeding species on bogs in the north-east
of Belarus. It actively expands in the west direction. Expansion strategy is
reduced to the appearance of separate pairs in optimum stations afield from
already settled territories. Some peculiarities of breeding ecology are described.
Key words: Greenshank, Tringa nebularia, Belarus, distribution,
expansion, breeding, ecology.