Structure and peculiarities of forming of the park ornithocomplex in Chernivtsi. - I.V. Skilsky. - Berkut. 7 (1-2). 1998. P. 3-11.
Data were collected in 8 parks and similar plots (dendropark, botanical garden,
etc.) of Chernivtsi city (south-west of Ukraine) in 1989-1997. Total 65 bird species
were found. Results are presented in Tables. Distribution of species by types
of fauna, ecological groups, types of breeding and foraging are described. Forming
and structure of the ornithocomplex are analized. [Ukrainian].
Key words: bird community, structure, population density, biomass, type of
fauna, ecological group, transformed energy.
Address: I.V. Skilsky, Bukovinska str. 9/4, 274001 Chernivtsi, Ukraine.