To ecology of the Fieldfare in Chernigiv region. - I.V. Marisova, L.P. Kuzmenko. - Berkut. 7 (1-2). 1998. P. 133-134.
8 colonies of fieldfares (102 nests) were found during the nest period of 1997 on the territory of Nizhin in Chernigiv region. There are 34 nests in the biggest colony and there are 3 nests in the smallest ones. More often fieldfares build their nests on the black poplar (34,7 %) and on the ash-trees (20,8 %). Predominant height of the situation of nests is 11,8 m (lim: 2-18). The architectonics and the exposition of nests are considered. [Ukrainian].
Key words: Fieldfare, Turdus pilaris, Chernigiv region, ecology,
colony, nest, architectonics, exposition.
Address: L.P. Kuzmenko, 251200 Chernigiv region, Nizhyn, Semashko street 2-A/23.