Urbanization as a factor of changing regional ornithofauna (on example of Chernivtsi city, the Prut-Dniester interfluve and Pokutian-Bukovinian Precarpathians). - I.V. Skilsky. - Berkut. 8 (1). 1999. P. 1-8.
For middle and second half of XX cent. the taxonomic analysis of birds found in Chernivtsi and adjoining territories. Staying patterns and main ecological and faunistic parameters were considered. Species structure of birds in Chernivtsi is not a propo rtionally reduced copy of the regional avifauna. The city plays a role of the active filter. Its environment is favourable for one species and adverse for others. The following features can be indicators of the urbanized landscape: prevalence of passerin es; essential reduction of the share of breeding species and dominance of non-breeding ones; as a rule, increase of amount of the representatives of European and Transpalearctic types of fauna; appreciable increase of the share of dendrophils and sclerop hils and decrease of limnophil species; dominance of birds that breed in more safe places (thick bushes, various shelters, hollows, etc.); prevalence of species foraging in crowns of trees and reduction of the share of birds foraging in water; forming se dentary populations (this process as a rule begins in cities). [Ukrainian].
Key words: fauna, ecology, urbanization, population, structure, breeding, migration, type of fauna.
Address: I.V. Skilsky, Bukovinska str. 9/4, 58001 Chernivtsi, Ukraine.

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