Breeding bird community of monocultural spruce plantation in the Skolivski
Beskids (the Ukrainian Carpathians). - A.-T.V. Bashta. - Berkut. 8 (1). 1999.
- P. 9-14.
Data were collected in 1994-1996. In total, 38 bird species were registered.
Population density varied within the limits of 24,1-24,7 pairs/10 ha. Chaffinch,
Goldcrest, Coal Tit and Robin dominated. In general, the monocultural spruce
plantation is poor on birds and have more simple structure of community then
natural spruce forest. However, they are the breeding habitat of some rare bird
species: TengmalТs Owl, Capercaillie, Pygmy Owl, Ural Owl, Three-toed Woodpecker,
etc. [English].
Key words: the Carpathians, community, count, population density, rare
Address: A.-T.V. Bashta, Institute of Ecology of the Carpathians, Chaykovskystr.
17, 290000 Lviv, Ukraine.