On the question of distribution and migrations of the Little Bittern. -
D.N. Nankinov. - Berkut. 8 (1). 1999. P. 15-20.
The Little Bittern has a broken breeding range in Eurasia, Africa, Australia
and New Zealand. Its number decreases in many European countries, many of the
habitats of the species are destroyed, as a result of the drainage of marshes
and the regulation of riversides. Seldom single individuals stay in the European
countries during the winter. Only the Little Bitterns, breeding in Europe and
West Asia, are typical and distant migrants. The Asian birds fly to south, probably
to south-east, and the European ones - to south and south-west. A well distinguished
pass is observed on Sinai's peninsula, Balkan peninsula, through Italy, South
France and Spain, and also along the Atlantic coasts of Netherlands, Belgique
and France. The Little Bitterns cross the Mediterranean Sea and the Sahara Desert
and winter mainly in Tropical Africa. The migration over North Africa is from
north to south in autumn, and vice versa in spring. It is possible some individuals
to performed a circular migration, to reach their wintering areas through West
Africa, to fly to north-east in spring. The opposite movement is also possible
- to south-west towards West Africa in autumn, and strictly to north in spring.
Key words: Little Bittern, Ixobrychus minutus, distribution, breeding
range, migration.
Address: Dimitar N. Nankinov, Institut of Zoology, Boul. Tsar Osvoboditel
1, 1000 Sofia, Bulgaria.