Song Thrush in west of Ukraine. - V.S. Talposh. - Berkut. 8 (1). 1999. P. 78-88.
Data were collected in 1962-1996. The Song Thrush is a breeding, migrating, sporadicaly wintering species, distributed on all the territory of the region, most numerous representative of the genus Turdus. In the Carpathians it nests up to the upper border of forests and elfin wood. Inhabits different forest types but prefers places with spruce regrows. Breeds also in groves, road wood plantings, old gardens, etc. Occasionally is occured in settlements, but to call it as an urban bird while it is impossible. Arrives in second half of March - beginning of April, rarely in end of Februar (on average 25.03, n = 24). Departure takes place in September and October, but separate individuals stay up to end of November and occasionally winter. On plains and in foothills of the Carpathians begins building nests usually in first decade of April, highly in mountains - not earlier than third decade of this month. Period of egg laying lasts since second decade of April till second decade of July. Full clutch has 2-6 eggs in Podolia (on average 4,71 + 0,05; n = 240), near upper border of forest in Carpathians - 2-5 (on average 3,88 + 0,23; n = 25). Only female incubates the clutch during 13-14 days (n = 4). Nestlings stay in nest 12-14 days (n = 12). Both parents feed nestlings, but only the female warms them. Death of eggs during egg lay-ing and incubation makes about 58 %, nestlings during staying in nest - about 26 %. Building materials of nests, their measures, parameters and variation of eggs, feeding of nestlings and adult birds are described (see Tables). [Ukrainian].
Key words: Song Thrush, West Ukraine, ecology, phenology, number, breeding, nest, egg, feeding.
Address: V.S. Talposh, S. Bandera str. 80/86, 282011 Ternopil, Ukraine.