Grouse and Pheasant of Saratov region. - E.V. Zavyalov, V.G. Tabachishin, G.V. Shlyakhtin, T.A. Kapranova, N.N. Yakushev. - Berkut. 8 (2). 1999. P. 160-166.
On base of the analysis of literature and results of field research total 6 species of Grouses and Pheasants from 2 families (Tetraonidae, Phasianidae) were registered in Saratov region in 1898-2000. From them 3 species are breeding and 3 - vagrant. Grey Partridge and Quail are the most nume-rous species. 1 species from these families (Black Grouse) are included in the Red Data Book of Saratov region. Ha-zel Grouse and Pheasant are very rare visitors to Saratov region. Data about distribution and ecology of all 6 species are presented. [Russian].
Key words: Saratov region, Tetraonidae, Phasianidae, fauna, distribution, ecology, breeding, migration.
Address: E.V. Zavyalov, Saratov university, Astrakhanskaya str. 83, 410026 Saratov, Russia.

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