White-headed eagle of Baikal legends. - V.V. Ryabtsev. - Berkut. 8 (2). 1999. P. 222-226.
Eagles belong in Buryat to the most esteemed animals. Cult of the Eagle is very ancient. It is historically connected with the island Olkhon on the Baikal lake. Brief review of legends, beliefs and customs is given. The eagle (white-headed eagle) was called as prince-bird. It was considered as son of lord of the island Olkhon or even as the lord, as the first shaman. It is supposed that the white-headed eagle of legends is the Imperial Eagle. It is the most numerous in this area. Besides the Golden Eagle and the White-tailed Eagle have not such expressed contrast between the light head and dark trunk. [Russian].
Key words: Baikal, Imperial Eagle, mythology, Buryat, bird conservation.
Address: V.V. Ryabtsev, Alexander Nevsky str. 61/49, 664047 Irkutsk, Russia.