Some peculiarities of a formation of summer larks communities on meadow-steppe landscapes of the South-Eastern Europe. - V.P. Belik. - Berkut. 9 (1-2). 2000. P. 86-101.
Abundance of larks in steppe landscapes is depending first of all on climatic conditions. Total populations density and species richness of larks are increasing regularly from the North to the South-East – on measure of a climate aridization when advancement into the semidesert districts with complex vegetation. However the larks populations are decreasing markedly on pressure wormwood pastures in a comparison with gramine and wormwood-gramine steppes. Among agriculture fields, the larks numbers are most highly on alfalfa crops where a species structure of local steppe avicomplex is restoring whole. But here larks populations density can even to surpass one in virgin steppes. And tillage and maize-sunflower crops have most poor larks populations. A total number of larks in concrete ecosystems is limited hardly by available resources of specifical foods apparently. [Russian].
Key words: larks, South-Eastern Europe, population, abundance.
Address: V.P. Belik, Kommunistichesky prosp., 46/118, 344091 Rostov-na-Donu, Russia.

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