From the history of destruction of raptors in Kazakhstan in 1940-1960s.
- V.A. Grachev, N.N. Berezovikov. - Berkut. 9 (1-2). 2000. P. 111-115.
Campaign of destruction of the “harmful” raptors in delta of the Ili river and
some other places in Kazakhstan is analysed. This campaign was organised for
number increasing of the musk-rat in game farms. Many eagles, bustards, harriers,
falcons, owls, crows and other birds were shot. During 1946-1964 108, 1 thousands
of birds were killed only in the Balkhash musk-rat farm (Almaty region). 40-60
% from them were corvins, mainly Rooks. Since 1962 only Marsh Harrier, Goshawk
and Crows were considered as “harmful”. Shooting other birds of prey and owls
were prohibited. Damage of raptors for musk-rat farming was inessential and
what is more, reproduction success of these animals decreased after mass destruction
of raptors. Numbers of many species of birds of prey and owls were violently
decreased. [Russian].
Key words: raptors, Kazakhstan,destruction, musk-rat farming, conservation.
Address: V.A. Grachev, N.N. Berezovikov, Lab. of Ornithology, Inst. of
Zoology, Akademgorodok, 480060 Almaty, Kazakhstan;