Great Bustard in territory to the east of the Volga opposite Saratov: numbers
and biotopic trends before migratory displacement. - V.G. Tabachishin, A.V.
Khrustov, E.V. Zavyalov, Y.A. Andryushchenko, G.V. Shlyakhtin, Malikov A.N.,
T.A. Kapranova, O.A. Ruban. - Berkut. 10 (1). 2001. P. 84-90.
The present estimate of the Great Bustard numbers has its base in the route
records, performed in September, 15 – October, 15 1999 over the territory of
45000 km2 to the east of the Volga opposite Saratov and makes 2647 birds. As
this being so, Great Bustards distribution over the territory is patchy at the
time. The species distribution has demonstrated evident dependence on various
agrocenoses, where cereal and industrial crops are cultivated. Fragmented distribution
of the birds results from a number of both natural and man-induced factors,
the governing one of which is food sustainability of the territory. High values
of both abundance rate and population density of Great Bustards to the east
of the Volga opposite Sa-ratov testify that the studied territory is of vital
importance in existence and conservation of the Bustards species. The results
obtained in the course of the study should hopefully serve as a reliable basis
for further research and monitoring of breeding Great Bustard for the purpose
of conservation intervention for this population. [Russian].
Key words: Great Bustard, Otis tarda, Saratov region, abundance,
ecology, habitat distribution, arable landscape.
Address: V.G. Tabachishin, Severtsov Research Institute for evolution
and ecology problems, Saratov branch, RAS, Rabochaya str. 24, 410028 Saratov,