About pinning (caching) of prey by Red-backed Shrike. - N.P. Knysh. - Berkut.
10 (2). 2001. - P. 218-225.
Different aspects of food caching by the species are discussed. Data were collected
in the forest-steppe part of Sumy region (NE Ukraine) in 19672001. 1234
objects pinned on thorns and knots of plants were found (Table 1). Invertebrates
(about 70 species) made up 60,0 % of them, small vertebrates (32 species)
34,8 %, fruits 0,7 %, pellets, capsules with excrements of nestlings and
egg shell of shrikes 4,5 %. For pinning prey mainly thorny plants are used
(Table 2). Shrikes are pinned prey during the whole season, but most strongly
during pairing, egg laying and brooding and especially after the appearance of
chicks (Figure). Fixation of prey on thorns is served mainly for dressing, only
a part of it is used as the food cache. This habit of shrikes has been arisen
obviously as a result of hunting for relative big animals (vertebrates). [Russian].
Key words: Red-backed Shrike, Lanius collurio, ecology, feeding,
food caching.
Address: N.P. Knysh, Sumy Pedagogical University, Dep. of Zoology, Romenska
str. 87, 40002 Sumy, Ukraine.