Steppe Eagle in Saratov Zavolzhye. - V.G. Tabachishin, E.V. Zavyalov, I.A.
Khrustov, N.N. Yakushev. - Berkut. 11 (1). 2002. - P. 31-33.
During the field research carried out from the first half of March till the
middle of November in 19962001 it was ascertained that nowadays the natural
habitat of the eagle in Saratov Zavolzhye covers southeastern and central parts
of the Left Bank of Saratov region. The border of its distribution passes from
Krasnokutsky district on the west through Fedorovsky, Yershovsky, Krasnopartizansky,
Pugachevsky and Perelubsky districts to the east up to the borders of the region.
At present the Steppe Eagle nesting was not recorded in Saratov Right Bank Area,
though in the past (till the middle of the XXth century) the reproduction of
these birds was regular in this place. Breeding population of the Steppe Eagle
in Saratov Zavolzhye remains law, but stable and averages in 6585 pairs.
Key words: Saratov region, Steppe Eagle, Aquila rapax, ecology,
number, breeding, feeding.
Address: V.G. Tabachishin, Severtsov Research Institute for evolution
and ecology problems, Saratov branch, RAS, Rabochaya str. 24, 410028 Saratov,
Russia; e-mail: