Present situation of population of owls in Bulgaria. - D.N. Nankinov. - Berkut. 11 (1). 2002. - P. 48-60.
There are 12 species of owls in Bulgaria. 10 species are breeding, Snowy Owl is a rare winter vagrant species, for Great Grey Owl only the fossil finds are known. Total number of 10 breeding species makes about 28 000 -30 000 pairs (Little Owl -10 000, Scops Owl - 8 000 -10 000, Long-eared Owl -5000, Tawny Owl -3500, etc.). Data about distribution, number, ecology and migrations of all species are presented. Problems of conservation of owls are discussed. The main negative factors for owls in Bulgaria are: fluctuations of numbers of prey species, lack of nesting places, using of pesticides, competition between different species, loss of owls on power lines and roads, illegal shooting, human disturbance. In Bulgaria all the species of owls are protected by law. 6 species are included in Red Book of the country. [Russian].
Key words: owls, Bulgaria, distribution, number, ecology, breeding, feeding, migration, conservation.
Address: D.N. Nankinov, Institute of zoology, BAS, Boul. Tsar Osvoboditel 1, 1000 Sofia, Bulgaria.


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