The state of the Nightingale in Bulgaria. - D.N. Nankinov. - Berkut. 11 (1). 2002. - P. 84-97.
Nightingale is widely distributed in Bulgaria in the lowlands and in the mountains up to 1000 m altitude, but some pairs can breed up to 1350 m altitude. Except the nominate subspecies (L. megarhynchos megarhynchos) it is possible some other subspecies to be met in the country. It inhabits various places by reservoirs with shrubs and forests with various shrubs. The Bulgarian breeding population numbers about 320 000 pairs. The species is more numerous in the western part of the country during the breeding period as well as during migrations. The first spring migrants arrive in Bulgaria usually in the end of March and the beginning of April. Single birds arrive earlier – they have been found most early on February 16th and 24th. Migration is most intensive in April and the beginning of May. The breeding period – from the building of the first nests till the flying off of the last young, continues 105 days and proceeds from April 17th till July 30th. About 5–10 % of the breeding pairs have two hatches annually. The autumn migration is in August and the first half of September, but single birds remain till November 10th. There is a strong breeding conservatism – many adult and young birds return to breed on the old places. Many of the Nightingales flying cross the country use one and the same migratory routes and places for congregations. The population of the Nightingale in Bulgaria is submitted to many negative factors among them are the usage of chemical poisons in forestry and agriculture, numerous fires in the forests, ground predators ets. Bulgarian Nightingales reach a maximum age of 5 years and 10 days. [English].
Key words: Nightingale, Luscinia megarhynchos, Bulgaria, distribution, migration, breeding biology.
Address: D.N. Nankinov, Institute of zoology, BAS, Boul. “Tsar Osvoboditel” 1, Sofia 1000, Bulgaria.


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