Wintering of birds of prey in anthropogenous landscapes of the Dniester Region in 2001/2002. - A.A. Tischenkov. - Berkut. 11 (1). 2002. - P. 120-121.
Data about 8 species of birds of prey in the Dniester Moldavian Republic were obtained in winter 2001/2002. The total number of birds of prey makes up 1,0 ind./10 km in December, 0,87 ind./10 km in January and 1,13 ind./10 km in February. Rough-legged Buzzard and Sparrowhawk are the most numerous species. A Peregrine Falcon was observed near Tiraspol on 4.01. [Russian].
Key words: the Dniester, wintering, birds of prey, numbers.
Address: A.A. Tischenkov, T.G. Shevchenko Dniester State University, 25 October str. 128, 3300 Tiraspol, Moldova. E-mail:


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