Notes about some rare birds from the Chornobyl exclusion zone area. - S.P.
Gaschak. - Berkut. 11 (2). 2002. - P. 141-147.
The notes represent results of field observations (19912002) in the Chornobyl
exclusion zone, concerning 20 birds species. White Stork and Collared Dove stopped
breeding in abandoned settlements. Number of black storks, cranes, eagle owls,
oystercatchers and some other species were increased. Great grey shrike is an
unnumerous breeding species of the zone. Greenish warbler was observed for the
first time in 2000. [Ukrainian].
Key words: Chornobyl zone, Kyiv region, fauna, rare species, distribution,
number dynamics.
Address: S.P. Gaschak, International Radioecology Laboratory of Chornobyl
Center for Nuclear Safety, Radioactive Waste and Radioecology. P.O. box 151,
Slavutych, Kyiv region, 07100 Ukraine; e-mail: