Nesting biology of the Magpie in conditions of Kaliningrad city. - E.L.
Lykov. - Berkut. 11 (2). 2002. - P. 181-187.
Magpie is widely spread in Kaliningrad city. This species nests in gardens,
parks, forested areas, industrialized zones, city quarters and meadowswith groups
of bushes and trees. Extrapolation of the counting data has shown that there
are 700720 pairs of Magpie nesting in Kaliningrad (totally 159 nests were
found and described). Magpie uses 21 species of trees and bushes as a place
for nest. The most preferred plant species are Grey Willow, Hawthorn, Common
cherry, Common plum, Cherry plum, Lombardy poplar and Small-leaved lime. Nests
are commonly located on the height of 0,50,9 m, seldom up to 18 m above
ground surface. Height of the nest location has clear trend to grow in the following
row: meadows with groups of bushes and trees gardens greened city
quarters. Majority of birds start construction of nests in end of March. Magpie
often uses aluminum wire as a nest material. The period of eggs laying is long-lasting
(from 3rd decade of March to 2nd decade of May). Maximum number of new clutches
is in 2nd decade of April. Number of eggs in complete clutch varies between
3 and 9 (6,66 ± 0,17 on average). Eggs size is 28,736,5 x 21,025,3
mm, on average 32,95 x 23,14 mm. Population of Magpie in Kaliningrad city by
the average size of clutch is most similar to populations in Nizhniy Novgorod
and Voronezh; by the morphological characteristics of eggs to Nizhniy
Novgorod, Belarus and Moscow. Results of the research allow recognize Magpie
in Kaliningrad as a highly urbanized species. [Russian].
Key words: Magpie, Pica pica, Kaliningrad region, ecology, breeding,
nest, egg.
Address: E.L. Lykov, Gaydar str., 99/69, 236029, Kaliningrad, Russia.