Characteristic of spring migration of the Common Snipe in Kaliningrad region.
- Yu.N. Yarovikova. - Berkut. 11 (2). 2002. - P. 251-256.
The surveys of the Common Snipes spring migration in the Kaliningrad region
of Russia were performed in 20002003. Censuses of migratory birds were
conducted in three sample plots one time per each five-day period. Our investigation
revealed that spring migration of the Common Snipe begins in the second/third
decades of March and lasts for about a month and a half. The highest number
of migrants was observed in the beginning and the end of the first decade of
April. The most intensive migration has been recorded along the coasts of the
Curonian and Vistula Lagoons. The both food/defense features of the concrete
habitats and meteorological features were determined as the most important factors
influencing dynamics and intensity of migration. [Russian].
Key words: Common Snipe, Gallinago gallinago, Kaliningrad region,
Address: Yu.N. Yarovikova, A. Nevski str. 14B-813, Kaliningrad, 236038