New data on avifauna of mid and lower Amur river basin, Russia. - A.I. Antonov.
- Berkut. 12 (1-2). - P. 47-49.
The field information about new records of a little-known and rare birds species
of Amur river basin is produced. The records of Manchurian Reed Warbler, Long-billed
Dowitcher, Swinchoes Crake are the most noteworthy. Some northern (for
Manchurian Reed Warbler, Swinchoes Crake, White-winged Tern) and southern
(for Common Greenshank, Tufted Duck) points of contemporary regional ranges
of several bird species are given. The new data on nest finds of some birds
is presented. [Russian].
Key words: fauna, Amur river basin, rare species.
Address: Khingansky Nature Reserve, Arkhara, Amur region, 676740, Russia;