Trends on parental care in Montagu's Harrier during nestling period in Southeast
Poland. - I. Kitowski. - Berkut. 12 (1-2). 2003. - P. 112-118.
Trends on parental care behaviour of Montagus Harrier in 7 families with
18 nestlings were observed in SE Poland. The duration of the nestling period
was estimated to be on average for M = 33,6 days. There was a distinct division
of parental labour. Males were main providers of prey to the nest (70,1 %, n
= 782 prey), females brooded and defended of nestlings (70,2 %, n = 582 defences).
When nestlings were feathered females could get more involved in regular food
provisioning: this happened on M = 15,6 days after hatching youngest nestling.
Parents delivered increasing amounts of prey to their young as they were growing
up. During the late nestling period food was carried close nest but not transferred
to fledglings. [English].
Key words: Montagus Harrier, Circus pygargus, Poland, behaviour,
parental care, nestling period.
Address: I. Kitowski, Dep. of Nature Conservation, University Maria Curie-Sklodowska,
Akademicka 19,
20033 Lublin, Poland; e-mail: