Spring hunt for waterfowls: arguments against. - V.E. Boreiko, V.N. Grishchenko.
- Berkut. 12 (1-2). 2003. - P. 153-157.
In Ukraine the spring hunt was prohibited in 1926. In 2000 it was legalized
by the new hunting low. But in 2003 the spring hunt was not permitted again
because of numerous protests of non-government organizations and scientists.
Spring hunt for waterfowls and some other birds is carried on also in Russia
and some other CIS-countries. Problem of the spring hunt is discussed. It is
not scientifically proved because it results in number decreasing of birds.
Legalization of the spring hunt is a step back in comparison with the own history
and civilized world. Because of decrease of hunting culture in CIS-countries
during last years it results in mass poaching and shooting of rare birds. This
hunt does not correspond to old folk traditions to meet the first migratory
birds in spring. Ethic and religious aspects are considered too. [Russian].
Key words: spring hunt, waterfowl, bird conservation.
Address: V.E. Boreyko, Kulibin str. 5/221, 03062 Kyiv, Ukraine; e-mail: