Who is who in Ukrainian ornithology. - V.N. Grishchenko. - Berkut. 12 (1-2). 2003. - P. 166-176.
Using of science citation index and impact factor is discussed. Authors from different countries and branches of science are in unequal conditions. For example, researches in physic, chemistry, genetics, molecular biology etc. have general interest, but many zoological or botanical studies matter only in separate regions. They are much less chances to be cited in foreign journals. Citation index would be more useful, if it was calculated at 2–3 levels: national, regional (CIS, Europe) and worldwide. An attempt to analyse citations in one country is presented: publications on ornithology in Ukraine during last 10 years (1993–2002). Most important Ukrainian periodicals and materials (not abstracts) of ornithological conferences were used for the analysis (Table 1). Total 1360 publications were viewed. Only citations of periodicals (Tables 2–5) and Ukrainian ornithologists (Tables 7–8) were counted. Specific citation was used as an analogue of the impact factor (Table 6). It is the relation of total number of cites of publications from a periodical during considered time period (10 years) to the total number of ornithological works published in this periodical till the end of 2002. [Russian].
Key words: science citation index, Ukraine, ornithology.
Address: V.N. Grishchenko, Kaniv Nature Reserve, 19000 Kaniv, Ukraine; e-mail: vgrishchenko@mail.ru.


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