Contemporary situation of population and number of Black Stork in the Transcarpathians.
- A.E. Lugovoy, L.A. Potish. - Berkut. 13 (1). 2004. - P. 62-66.
Formerly Black Stork nested in the Ukrainian Carpathians only in old mountain
forests. At the end of XX century it became more common species in the Transcarpathian
region. During breeding period storks are frequently observed on the Trascarpathian
lowland. At present time 7 nests are located in oak forests of the lowland in
Uzhgorod, Mukachevo and Beregovo districts. Total numbers for the region is
estimated in 3035 breeding pairs. [Russian].
Key words: Black Stork, Ciconia nigra, the Transcarpathians, distribution,
Address: A.E. Lugovoy, Ostrivna str. 20/21, Uzhgorod, 88002, Ukraine.