Materials to ecology of the Raven in Kirovograd region. - A.O. Shevtsov. - Berkut. 13 (1). 2004. - P. 93-97.
In central part of Ukraine ecology of Raven has changed during last 50 years. These changes were caused by different anthropogenic factors. Formerly the species inhabited only middle- and old-aged ravine forests in the region. Now Raven nests in open landscapes and sometimes near from human habitation. Process of its synanthropisation continues. Breeding ecology was studied mainly in 5 districts of the region in 1989–2004. Total 42 nests were found, 62 cases of breeding were recorded. Counts were carried out on a study plot in 1000 km2 and on automobile routes in winter (total 960 km). 80,9 % nests were located in power transmission towers (photo 2) and 19,1 % – in trees (photo 1). All the nests in towers were situated among agricultural landscapes or near from them. The first nest in tower in the region was found near Kirovograd in 1980. Average population density makes up 3,9 pairs/100 km2, 2,5 pairs/100 km of forest belts and 17,8 pairs/100 km of power transmission lines. Density in winter – 1 ind./9,5 km of route. Distance between occupaid nests makes up as a rule 2–5 km, the minimum distance – 0,4 km. Eggs were laid since middle of February till beginning of April. Broods have on average 3,3 fledglings per successful pair (n = 16). In autumn and winter flocks of Ravens were recorded. They counted from 13 to 37 birds. [Ukrainian].
Key words: Raven, Corvus corax, Kirovograd region, ecology, breeding, nest, egg.
Address: A.O. Shevtsov, Heroyiv Stalingradu str. 19/26, 28008 Olexandriya, Kirovograd region, Ukraine.


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