Materials on ornithofauna of birds of prey and owls of Shchuchii Gori (Tatarstan,
Russia). - M.V. Korepov. - Berkut. 13 (2). 2004. - P. 183-188.
The birds of Shchuchii Gori (Russia, the border between Ulyanovsk region and
Tatarstan Republic, right bank of the Volga river) were studied on 19.05.2004.
9 species of birds of prey (Black Kite, Hen Harrier, Goshawk, Sparrowhawk, Buzzard,
Booted Eagle, Imperial Eagle, White-tailed Eagle, Hobby) and 2 species of owls
(Tawny Owl, Ural Owl) were registered here. 6 species are breeding (Black Kite,
Goshawk, Sparrowhawk, Buzzard, Booted Eagle, White-tailed Eagle), 3 species
possible breeding (Hobby, Tawny Owl, Ural Owl) and 2 species passage
visitors (Hen Harrier, Imperial Eagle). Booted Eagle is a new breeding bird
of Tatarstan Republic. Shchuchii Gori is a perspective Important Bird Area.
1112 pairs of White-tailed Eagle and 5 pairs of Booted Eagle are breeding
here. [Russian].
Key words: fauna, Tatarstan, birds of prey, owls, Important Bird Areas.
Address: M.V. Korepov, Tupolev prosp. 2-65, 432039 Ulyanovsk, Russia;