The food of Montagus Harriers during pre-laying period. - J. Wiacek,
M. Niedzwiedz. - Berkut. 14 (2). 2005. - P. 189-192.
Food of the Montagus Harrier was analysed from 158 pellets and 375 direct
observations in two Nature Reserves: Roskosz and Bagno Serebryskie.
Pellets collection was conducted in the seasons 19921995 at calcareous
marshes of Che³m region in eastern Poland. Pellets were collected from
perching places, male platforms, roosting and resting places. 210 prey items
were identified from 158 pellets. Main component of the food were small mammals
(56,2 %), small passerines (24,3 %), eggs (9,5 %), lizards (8,1 %), frogs (1,4
%) and fishes (0,5 %). Small mammals like rodents were common prey in the diet
of the Montagus harrier. They represented 85,0 % of mammalian prey. The
Common Vole was the most frequent rodent (50,0 %) in the pellets. The largest
mammalian prey were Common Rat. The direct observations of food transfer were
made using binoculars and scope. Results showed that main food component were
vertebrates (98,4 %). Only 1,6 % were represented by insects. Most common prey
were small mammals (58,7 %). Birds, reptiles (lizards) and amphibians (frogs)
were represented by less than 2 % of prey. Non identified vertebrates accounted
for 37,8 %. Both data, based on the pellets and direct observation showed that
small mammals were the main component of harriers food. [English].
Key words: Poland, Montagus Harrier, Circus pygargus, birds
of prey, food, pellets.
Address: J. Wiacek, Dept. of Nature Conservation, Curie-Sklodowska University,
Akademicka 19 Str., 20033 Lublin, Poland; e-mail: