The nesting parameters of the Black-headed Gull in various habitat types
within a colony. - B. Pakula. - Berkut. 14 (2). 2005. - P. 193-200.
Studies on the breeding ecology of the Black-headed Gull were conducted from
19992001 in a nest colony with about 6000 pairs. Three different habitats
were distinguished based on the type and height of plants: nettles, grasses
and sedges. The highest density of nests was found in the areas of sedge growth,
0.56 ± 0.01 nest/m2, while the lowest density, 0.29 ±
0.17 nest/m2, was in the areas dominated by nettles. The differences
in nest density were reflected in the significantly different mean distances
between nests. The smallest distance recorded in the area of sedge growth was
1.2 ± 0.4 m., with the greatest distance in the area of nettle growth
1.6 ± 0.7 m. Strong synchronisation to the start of nesting was observed
in all the analysed habitats. Habitat type was not found to influence clutch
size, number of nests with hatching success, number of hatched eggs and mean
number of hatchlings per pair. Complete nest losses occurred from 16 % in sedge
areas to 23 % in grass and nettle areas. The most serious cause of nest loss
was predation, which increased in the second half of the breeding season. Significantly
more broods were lost to predation in grassy areas. An analysis of nesting parameters
shows that habitat type influences competition for the location of nest territories,
density of nesting pairs and predator pressure, but it does not, however, influence
clutch size or hatching success. [English].
Key words: Black-headed Gull, Larus ridibundus, Poland, breeding
ecology, habitat selection, nest.
Address: Department of Zoology and Animal Physiology, Pomeranian Pedagogical
University, Arciszewskiego 22b, 76-200 Slupsk, Poland; e-mail: