Patterns of location of bird nests in an oak forest of the Nature Reserve
Les na Vorskle (Russia). - O.Yu. Kharkova, I.R. Boehme. - Berkut.
14 (2). 2005. - P. 201-213.
Research was carried out in the Nature Reserve Les na Vorskle (Belgorod
region of Russia, 50º38' N, 35º58' E) in 19982005. We studied
spatial distribution of nests in a high oak forest. In total 1181 nests were
found. The majority of nests were built in trees, mainly in oaks. 383 nests
were located in tree crowns, 334 in hollows, 298 in undergrowth,
166 on the ground. Distribution of nests by some parameters is given
in Tables. [Russian].
Key words: Belgorod region, ecology, nesting, nest location.
Address: Department of Zoology of Vertebrates, Biological Faculty, Moscow
State University, Moscow, 119992, Russia; e-mail: