About breeding of Whooper Swan in the Chornobyl zone of Ukraine. - S.P.
Gaschak. - Berkut. 14 (2). 2005. - P. 269-270.
A pair with young bird was found near the village of Buryakivka in September
of 2002. In June of 2005, a pair with 2 chicks was observed on a lake. Possible
breeding site is situated near the village of Lelev. These are the first breeding
records of the Whooper Swan in Ukraine during the last decades. [Russian].
Key words: Whooper Swan, Cygnus cygnus, Kyiv region, distribution,
Address: S.P. Gaschak, International Radioecology Laboratory of Chornobyl
Center for Nuclear Safety, Radioactive Waste and Radioecology. P.O. box 151,
Slavutych, Kyiv region, 07100 Ukraine; e-mail: gaschak@chornobyl.net.