Vagrants of Egyptian Vulture to the North-East of Ukraine. - N.P. Knysh, I.A. Bugayev, V.V. Parkhomenko, I.I. Kurash. - Berkut. 14 (2). 2005. - P. 270-272.
Egyptian Vulture is a rare species included in the Red Book of Ukraine. Vagrants of the species since beginning XX cent. are analysed. First vagrants to the North-East were registered. 20.03.2002 two adult birds was observed in Buryn district of Sumy region (51.13 N, 33.51 E), 18.07.2005 – a bird in Lebedyn district (50.38 N, 34.34 E). [Russian].
Key words: Egyptian Vulture, Neophron percnopterus, Sumy region, distribution, vagrant.
Address: N.P. Knysh, Sumy Pedagogical University, Dep. of Zoology, Romenska str. 87, 40002 Sumy, Ukraine.


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