Species composition, numbers and patterns of territorial distribution of breeding Turdidae in Kaliningrad. - E.L. Lykov. - Berkut. 15 (1-2). 2006. - P. 66-80.
Some species of Turdidae family have assimilated widely in anthropogenic landscapes. Field works were carried out in the frameworks of Breeding Bird Atlas of Kaliningrad preparation during 1999–2003. All territory of the city was divided into 167 plots with the area of 1 km2. Nine species of Turdidae family breed in Kaliningrad: Robin, Thrush Nightingale, Black Redstart, Redstart, Whinchat, Wheatear, Blackbird, Fieldfare and Song Thrush. The most numerous species are Redstart (38,5 % of all breeding pairs of Turdidae species), Thrush Nightingale (19,3 %) and Blackbird (16,6 %); the least numerous are Song Thrush (0,5 %) and Whinchat (0,8 %). The most widely spread species are Redstart (85,0 % of plots are populated), Thrush Nightingale (80,2 %), Black Redstart (79,6 %) and Blackbird (72,5 %), the least spread are Song Thrush (9,6 %), Whinchat (10,2 %) and Fieldfare (20,4 %). The highest population density was registered for Redstart (1–80 pairs/km2, 14,5 in average). One species (Bluethroat) have disappeared at the last decade. Extension of distribution in the city during that time was registered for Robin, Black Redstart, Redstart, Wheatear, Fieldfare and Song Thrush. The most significant increase of number of populated plots was marked for the last three species. [Russian].
Key words: Turdidae, Kaliningrad, fauna, distribution, number dynamics, population density.
Address: E.L. Lykov, dep. of vertebrate zoology, biological faculty, Moscow university, Leninskiye gory, 1/12, 119992 Moscow, Russia.


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