Rose-coloured Starling in Mykolayiv region. - K.O. Redinov. - Berkut. 15 (1-2). 2006. - P. 138-141.
Data about records in 1886–2006 were summarised. Invasions with breeding cases were registered. During own research in 1990–2005 vagrants were observed more frequently with peak in 2002. Birds flew mainly to the north-east. Starlings were observed between 21.05 (1938) and 20.07 (2003). Flocks had from 3 to 120 individuals, on average 30.4 ± 4.1 (n = 53). In 1997 10 pairs bred in the Nature Reserve “Yelanetskiy step”, in 2003 – about 100 pairs near the village of Shyrokolanivka (Fig.). [Ukrainian].
Key words: Rose-coloured Starling, Sturnus roseus, Mykolayiv region, distribution, migration, breeding.
Address: K.O. Redinov, RLP “Kinburnska kosa”, Shkreptienko-Str. 16, Ochakiv, Mykolayiv region, 57500, Ukraine.


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