Specialized urban populations of birds: forms and mechanisms of the steadiness
in urban environment. 2. Ecological and microevolutionary consequences of urban
bird population steadiness. - V.S. Friedmann, G.S. Eremkin, N.Yu. Zakharova-Kubareva.
- Berkut. 16 (1). 2007. - P. 7-51.
Ecological and evolutionary consequences of urban bird population steadiness
developing during urbanization of wild species were investigated.
It is shown that population system steadiness determines the diversity of adaptive
aberrations in ecology, behaviour, life-history this species which
are always observed in their urbanized populations. The diversity of aberration
(and polymorphism by adaptive characters too) increases only in periods in which
population is steady and their sustainability is in progress. The increasing
of frequencies this aberration in urbanized bird population depends
only on level the steadiness of species population in this city and not on ecological
and behavioural plasticity of individuals or their possibilities of adaptation
to urban environment. For example, all of these aberrations disappeared
in period when urban population decreases through just this period they may
to stopped population decreasing. The positive feedback between growth of urbanized
population steadiness in same city and accelerating urbanization process for
this species in next period were revealed. On account to impact this feedback
on population level, urbanization proceed rapidly and directly, it is an autocatalytic
process for all wild species which ensure the sustainability their
population system in settling city. Some criteria of urban population steadiness
were established (and opposite symptoms of population unsteady). There are:
1) absence the limit of growth urbanized birds populations can to
exponentially increase their number in limited space the archipelago
of urban habitats; 2) birds from sustainable urban populations did not leave
the former nesting area after transformation or destroying their typical habitats,
they try to stay on the breeding in this range and began to nest in non-typical
habitats, build the nest with deviate methods and house it in non-typical places;
3) number dynamic of steady populations are independent from changes of some
environment factors which are essential from this species (temperature, food
abundance and so on), this dependence appear at once when it turned out that
population system is unsteady; 4) birds in sustainable urbanized population
will divide into two or more alternative life-strategies on the basis of population
division on cohorts moreover-settled and moreover-nomadic
individuals; 5) the dynamic equilibrium the frequencies of alternative strategies
in urbanized population keep ones balance in relatively stable urban environment
but continually changed under impact of fluctuations urban environment or direct
evolution of urban landscape. Successful urbanization process runs to splitting
all population of this species in two parts (urban and rural or
native) which are not communicating vessels. We established significant
distinction between urbanization possibilities of near species (between ecological
similar to) which distinguished from different type of organization the population
systems. Causal connections between organization type of species population
systems and urbanization potential were discussed as well as ecological and
evolutionary consequences of urbanization. [Russian].
Key words: sinurbanization, population, metapopulation, strategy, urban
gradient, preadaptation.
Address: V.S. Friedmann, Laboratory of ecology and nature conservation,
biological faculty, Moscow university, Leninskiye gory, 1/12, 119992 Moscow,
Russia; e-mail: wolf17@list.ru.