Nesting ecology of the Red-whiskered bulbul at city centre and periphery
in Lucknow, Northern India. - A. Mazumdar, P. Kumar. - Berkut. 16 (1). 2007.
- P. 98-102.
The nesting ecology of Red-whiskered Bulbul was investigated and compared between
the city centre and peripheral areas among farmlands and dense vegetation of
Lucknow city, India. Both the study regions had a 16 km2 area. The nests at
the city centre showed clumping due to less food supply, were fewer in number,
thin walled, had lesser mean depth, lesser mean clutch size and were at times
constructed on man made structures due to shortage of nesting sites, had a greater
mean height and took a longer duration to be completed as against the peripheral
nests located on city outskirts. In both study areas male and female bulbuls
took active part in site selection, nest construction, incubation and protecting
and feeding the youngs. However, city centre nests had a higher mortality rate
and lower nesting success which could be attributed to less favourable conditions
related to nest concealment, protection from inclement weather and food availability.
Key words: Red-whiskered Bulbul, Pycnonotus jocosus, India, behaviour,
ecology, breeding, nest, egg.
Address: Dr. A. Mazumdar, 3-B Murlinagar, Cantt Road, Lucknow-226001,
UP India;