Wintering of the White-tailed Eagle on the Middle Dnieper. - S.A. Loparev, V.N. Grishchenko. - Berkut. 1. 1992. - P. 62-64.
There are 3 main wintering areas along the Dnieper from the Kiev reservoir to the Kremenchug reservoir. All they are situated on the non-freezing parts of the river: in environs of Kiev from the Kiev hydroelectric power station to the station of water purification near Bortnichi; on the Kanev reservoir in the place of draining the warm waters by the Tripolye thermoelectric power station, lower from the dike of the Kanev hydroelectric power station. These wintering places have become regularly from the middle of 1970s. During last years due to mild winters many White-tailed Eagles winter also in the upper part of the Kiev reservoir. The number of wintering eagles has been increasing simultaneously with the total increasing of this species number in the region. [Russian].
Key words: White-tailed Eagle, Haliaeetus albicilla, the Middle Dnieper, wintering, number.

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