Black Stork in the Maloye Polesye. - N.L. Klestov. - Berkut. 2. 1993. - P. 45.
The results of the Black Stork study on the territory of the Maloye Polesye in 1992 are described. The Maloye Polesye is one of the least known for ornithologists region of Ukraine. There are data about Black Stork`s numbers, territorial distribution and features of its nest construction. It is pointed out that Black Stork in the Maloye Polesye inhabits wildest plots of the old, often very damp oak forest, and nests only in the oak trees, at least of 150 years old. [Ukrainian].
Key words: Black Stork, Ciconia nigra, Khmelnitsky Region, distribution, habitat selection.

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